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Genuine Parts Company

Genuine Parts Company distributes automotive replacement parts, and industrial parts and materials. It operates through Automotive Parts Group and Industrial Parts Group segments. The company distributes automotive replacement parts for hybrid and electr…

Specialty Retail
US, Atlanta [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared Genuine Parts Company (GPC) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Specialty Retail Average - - - - - - 99,374.75 53,168.93 219.93 14,399.43 -7,484.94 0.01 33.4748 15.97 0.3495 -0.2939 0.00 -0.02 1.6839 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 2,365,033.00 1,016,230.00 26,752.00 597,896.00 58,505.00 0.17 1,632.5400 1,826.83 1.0000 0.4385 0.23 0.49 54.7475 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 0.00 6.00 -23,336.00 -45,579.00 -838,677.00 0.00 -347.5959 -583.41 -0.1928 -26.1995 -0.35 -0.79 0.0000 - -
Cincinnati Financial Corporation CINF 144.57 2.34 1.65% 1,949 vs. 532 22,598.00 2,935.00 755.00 346.00 13,712.00 4.8200 6.3431 0.0061 0.9986 0.2572 0.0597 0.0229 0.6138 156.00
Illinois Tool Works Inc. ITW 258.82 0.71 0.28% 1,128 vs. 821 76,429.00 3,973.00 819.00 494.00 27,523.00 2.7400 24.1994 0.0053 0.4601 0.2061 0.2712 0.0523 0.8664 295.00
Dover Corporation DOV 189.27 0.33 0.17% 1,270 vs. 792 25,966.00 2,093.00 632.00 122.00 11,556.00 4.5500 9.6515 0.0029 0.3683 0.3019 0.1227 0.0527 0.8291 137.00
W.W. Grainger, Inc. GWW 1092.96 11.41 1.06% 370 vs. 222 53,227.00 4,235.00 478.00 542.00 12,548.00 9.7200 25.9803 0.0021 0.3939 0.1129 0.1494 0.0569 1.2397 48.00
Genuine Parts Company GPC 115.73 1.11 0.97% 1,129 vs. 1,327 16,090.00 5,783.00 248.00 202.00 5,137.00 1.7900 21.6685 0.0061 0.3587 0.0430 0.0565 0.0136 0.4022 139.00
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End of GPC's Analysis
CIK: 40987 CUSIP: 372460105 ISIN: US3724601055 LEI: - UEI: -
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