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Upstart Holdings, Inc.

Upstart Holdings, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates a cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) lending platform in the United States. Its platform aggregates consumer demand for loans and connects it to its network of the company's AI-enable…

Financial - Credit Services
US, San Mateo [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared Upstart Holdings, Inc. (UPST) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Credit Services Average - - - - - - 116,615.48 23,452.21 4,294.25 20,273.17 4,826.32 0.01 10.2826 39.23 0.6673 0.0544 0.00 0.03 8.6038 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 4,263,096.00 883,300.00 168,700.00 261,689.00 242,461.00 0.06 116.2749 1,456.08 1.0000 1.4273 0.02 0.36 171.8157 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 0.00 -11.00 -106.00 -2,788.00 -27,489.00 0.00 -117.3994 -0.09 -1.9994 -3.5462 -0.08 -0.06 0.0000 - -
Mastercard Incorporated MA 528.03 4.75 0.91% 7,284 vs. 2,533 480,912.00 6,351.00 3,011.00 1,278.00 64,959.00 3.2300 37.0597 0.0014 0.9660 0.4741 0.4157 0.0707 0.8099 910.00
SoFi Technologies, Inc. SOFI 15.35 0.32 2.13% 49,884 vs. 52,568 16,657.00 644.00 88.00 -32.00 -1,716.00 0.0896 20.1450 0.0000 0.6897 0.1365 0.0143 0.0028 4.5031 1,085.00
American Express Company AXP 298.65 5.57 1.90% 5,783 vs. 2,537 210,382.00 17,811.00 2,437.00 5,155.00 20,421.00 3.3400 16.8349 0.0028 0.6203 0.1368 0.0847 0.0091 0.7611 704.00
Capital One Financial Corporation COF-PN 16.67 0.20 1.21% 116 vs. 44 6,359.00 13,091.00 1,280.00 2,763.00 61,905.00 3.1400 10.8464 0.0053 1.0000 0.0978 0.0221 0.0027 1.9450 381.00
Upstart Holdings, Inc. UPST 68.40 1.17 1.74% 6,222 vs. 7,682 6,239.00 127.00 -64.00 50.00 -347.00 -0.7400 -8.9021 0.0000 0.9559 -0.5055 -0.1054 -0.0335 4.6177 91.00
Visa Inc. V 317.71 2.83 0.90% 7,594 vs. 6,070 623,040.00 8,775.00 4,663.00 4,257.00 19,347.00 2.3300 29.3608 0.0019 0.7674 0.5314 0.1152 0.0505 1.1142 1,961.00
PayPal Holdings, Inc. PYPL 87.13 0.35 0.40% 19,781 vs. 9,725 87,351.00 7,699.00 888.00 1,763.00 24,088.00 0.8300 19.4797 0.0000 0.3906 0.1153 0.0429 0.0107 1.1894 1,002.00
Ally Financial Inc. ALLY 34.86 0.23 0.66% 5,071 vs. 3,381 10,622.00 4,112.00 157.00 632.00 188.00 0.4200 19.2909 0.0103 0.7091 0.0382 0.0115 0.0008 23.3339 304.00
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End of UPST's Analysis
CIK: 1647639 CUSIP: 91680M107 ISIN: US91680M1071 LEI: - UEI: -
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