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Microchip Technology Incorporated

Microchip Technology Incorporated develops, manufactures, and sells smart, connected, and secure embedded control solutions in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. The company offers general purpose 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microcontrollers; 32-bit embedded …

US, Chandler [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared Microchip Technology Incorporated (MCHP) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Semiconductors Average - - - - - - 1,359,941.72 224,271.83 70,275.95 718,959.70 45,038.01 0.00 61.8683 135.76 0.3773 0.0371 0.01 0.01 2.4242 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 113,622,426.00 17,573,069.00 5,753,373.00 57,842,000.00 3,595,750.00 0.04 1,136.8115 8,343.51 1.5645 1.1949 0.19 0.30 10.1205 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 54.00 9.00 -9,585.00 -74,802.00 -28,147.00 0.00 -249.5471 -343.74 -0.2859 -0.9925 -0.08 -0.66 0.0000 - -
Synaptics Incorporated SYNA 80.56 -0.70 -0.86% 58 vs. 428 3,227.00 237.00 -18.00 -22.00 1,029.00 -0.4600 -52.9573 0.0000 0.4480 -0.0763 -0.0147 -0.0071 4.6207 40.00
Analog Devices, Inc. ADI 221.55 -1.57 -0.70% 519 vs. 2,873 109,954.00 2,159.00 302.00 619.00 10,239.00 0.6100 81.9231 0.0046 0.4588 0.1400 0.0086 0.0062 1.0216 496.00
Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. ALGM 22.23 -0.29 -1.29% 442 vs. 2,295 4,089.00 240.00 -7.00 0.00 463.00 -0.0368 -182.9600 0.0000 0.5124 -0.0296 -0.0063 -0.0045 2.9458 183.00
Qorvo, Inc. QRVO 70.38 -0.42 -0.59% 313 vs. 1,700 6,652.00 940.00 2.00 169.00 -89.00 0.0283 1013.4058 0.0000 0.4361 0.0029 0.0008 0.0004 1.1842 94.00
Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. MPWR 579.58 -0.77 -0.13% 178 vs. 830 28,271.00 457.00 92.00 232.00 977.00 1.9000 87.8301 0.0015 0.5513 0.2021 0.0438 0.0359 4.7481 48.00
Wolfspeed, Inc. WOLF 10.74 -0.36 -3.24% 5,290 vs. 13,461 1,371.00 200.00 -148.00 -714.00 -2,753.00 -1.1800 -6.3169 0.0000 0.1106 -0.7419 -0.1456 -0.0193 3.8231 127.00
Texas Instruments Incorporated TXN 198.31 -3.47 -1.72% 1,113 vs. 5,542 180,906.00 3,661.00 1,105.00 -231.00 52,199.00 1.2100 35.6526 0.0075 0.5722 0.3018 0.0651 0.0317 3.3954 912.00
NXP Semiconductors N.V. NXPI 229.64 -3.97 -1.70% 566 vs. 2,407 58,364.00 3,125.00 639.00 593.00 -2,420.00 2.4900 24.7212 0.0041 0.5531 0.2044 0.0724 0.0274 1.4307 254.00
Lattice Semiconductor Corporation LSCC 58.01 -0.33 -0.56% 295 vs. 2,393 8,003.00 140.00 14.00 21.00 162.00 0.1100 181.7158 0.0000 0.6184 0.1051 0.0217 0.0181 2.5307 137.00
Microchip Technology Incorporated MCHP 67.29 -3.02 -4.30% 2,405 vs. 6,264 36,135.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 537.00
Skyworks Solutions, Inc. SWKS 87.65 -0.14 -0.16% 410 vs. 2,213 14,017.00 1,046.00 183.00 265.00 6,072.00 1.1400 23.6968 0.0063 0.4016 0.1752 0.0288 0.0221 3.0237 159.00
ON Semiconductor Corporation ON 71.28 -2.67 -3.61% 2,890 vs. 6,016 30,350.00 1,862.00 453.00 264.00 7,001.00 1.0600 17.3768 0.0000 0.4515 0.2432 0.0558 0.0336 1.6305 425.00
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End of MCHP's Analysis
CIK: 827054 CUSIP: 595017104 ISIN: US5950171042 LEI: - UEI: -
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