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Eaton Corporation plc

Eaton Corporation plc operates as a power management company worldwide. The company's Electrical Americas and Electrical Global segment provides electrical components, industrial components, power distribution and assemblies, residential products, single…

Industrial - Machinery
IE, Dublin [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared Eaton Corporation plc (ETN) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Specialty Industrial Machinery Average - - - - - - 177,427.85 60,366.45 1,478.10 11,001.23 1,327.40 0.00 27.2021 43.28 0.2597 0.0326 0.01 0.05 1.5914 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 14,814,711.00 6,245,800.00 176,400.00 1,577,068.00 1,288,302.00 0.05 2,224.5336 2,133.58 1.0000 0.8565 0.06 10.78 20.6815 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 -55,024.00 -419,899.00 -975,128.00 0.00 -1,799.6854 -353.42 -0.1914 -4.3268 -0.04 -3.25 0.2208 - -
Pentair plc PNR 101.17 -4.32 -4.10% 703 vs. 1,417 16,716.00 1,017.00 133.00 -126.00 1,961.00 0.8000 25.7997 0.0028 0.3835 0.1310 0.0401 0.0198 1.0730 165.00
Cummins Inc. CMI 350.69 -10.54 -2.92% 643 vs. 635 48,108.00 8,403.00 1,993.00 107.00 19,605.00 14.1000 5.2204 0.0057 0.2391 0.2372 0.2198 0.0626 0.7286 137.00
Eaton Corporation plc ETN 335.12 -11.96 -3.45% 1,901 vs. 1,828 132,439.00 5,943.00 821.00 292.00 10,605.00 2.0500 37.9966 0.0029 0.3732 0.1381 0.0426 0.0213 0.9347 395.00
Emerson Electric Co. EMR 122.38 -5.70 -4.45% 3,387 vs. 2,895 69,781.00 4,376.00 501.00 661.00 40,108.00 0.8800 32.3736 0.0046 -0.2260 0.1145 0.0240 0.0108 0.6778 570.00
Parker-Hannifin Corporation PH 643.80 -22.19 -3.33% 993 vs. 592 82,869.00 5,074.00 726.00 715.00 18,529.00 5.6500 24.3631 0.0027 0.3543 0.1432 0.0627 0.0246 0.4718 128.00
Ingersoll Rand Inc. IR 92.87 -4.68 -4.80% 1,995 vs. 2,141 37,427.00 1,670.00 202.00 99.00 1,891.00 0.5000 46.7868 0.0002 0.4469 0.1211 0.0205 0.0130 1.5793 403.00
Dover Corporation DOV 188.81 -7.73 -3.93% 577 vs. 809 25,903.00 2,093.00 632.00 122.00 11,556.00 4.5500 9.6515 0.0029 0.3683 0.3019 0.1227 0.0527 0.8291 137.00
Illinois Tool Works Inc. ITW 261.23 -6.65 -2.48% 570 vs. 824 77,141.00 3,973.00 819.00 494.00 27,523.00 2.7400 24.1994 0.0053 0.4601 0.2061 0.2712 0.0523 0.8664 295.00
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End of ETN's Analysis
CIK: 1551182 CUSIP: G29183103 ISIN: IE00B8KQN827 LEI: - UEI: -
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