Pizarro Pedro
3M Company
US, Saint Paul [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
A4,305,628 Shares After TransactionValue : $428,969,717.64$195,000,020.46Transaction Date : 05/14/24
Footnotes:#1 This non-employee director has elected to defer all or a portion of compensation otherwise payable in cash or stock to a common stock equivalents account under the terms of 3M's Compensation Plan for Non-employee Directors and has no voting or investment powers with respect to such account.#2 Includes acquisition of deferred dividend reinvestment shares pursuant to 3M's Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors.
A2,201,409,330 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/21/24
Footnotes:#1 These transactions report the payment of performance shares with a three-year performance measurement period that were not derivative securities reportable under Section 16. Pursuant to the terms of this award, these transactions were an automatic, scheduled payment. Only a portion of the award was actually paid in shares of Edison International Common Stock, while a portion of the award was paid in cash only.#2 These transactions are the portions of the award that were paid in cash only.
F1,910,399,330 Shares After TransactionValue : $129,811,634,473.50$1,977,412.95Transaction Date : 02/21/24
Footnotes:#1 These transactions report the payment of performance shares with a three-year performance measurement period that were not derivative securities reportable under Section 16. Pursuant to the terms of this award, these transactions were an automatic, scheduled payment. Only a portion of the award was actually paid in shares of Edison International Common Stock, while a portion of the award was paid in cash only.#2 These transactions are the portions of the award that were paid in cash only.
D191,039 Shares After TransactionValue : $12,981,100.05$633,973.50Transaction Date : 02/21/24
Footnotes:#1 These transactions report the payment of performance shares with a three-year performance measurement period that were not derivative securities reportable under Section 16. Pursuant to the terms of this award, these transactions were an automatic, scheduled payment. Only a portion of the award was actually paid in shares of Edison International Common Stock, while a portion of the award was paid in cash only.#2 These transactions are the portions of the award that were paid in cash only.
M302,647 Shares After TransactionValue : $19,284,666.84$7,111,661.76Transaction Date : 01/02/25
Footnotes:#1 These transactions resulted from the involuntary, automatic exercise of in-the-money stock options immediately prior to their expiration by Edison International ("EIX") for the Reporting Person, pursuant to the options' terms and conditions.#2 These shares were withheld by EIX for the payment of the exercise price and the minimum tax withholding obligations.#3 Pursuant to the terms of this award, these transactions were an automatic, scheduled payment. Only a portion of the award was actually paid in shares of Edison International Common Stock, while a portion of the award was paid in cash only.#4 1 for 1: Each restricted stock unit is equal in value to one share of Edison International Common Stock.#5 These transactions are the portions of the award that were paid in cash only.