Sohler Bernadette MVP-Corporate Affairs
Sorensen Gregory SVP, Chief Operating Officer
Capko Robert JohnPrincipal Accounting Officer
Zerhouni Mohammed G.SVP, CFO and Treasurer
Oconnor A BruceSVP, CFO and Treasurer
Simpson Georgia MVP-Information Technology
Kooper Jay LVP, Gen. Counsel & Secretary
Ginegaw Lorrie BethVP, Human Resources, MBA
Fullagar Robert KVice President-Operations
Andreasen G. Christian Jr.VP-Enterprise Engineering
Duchemin-Leslie NadinePresident & CEO
Klein Steven M
Middlesex Water Company
US, Iselin [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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