Zerhouni Mohammed G.
SVP, CFO and Treasurer
Middlesex Water Company
US, Iselin [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
A2,043 Shares After TransactionValue : $105,010.20$105,010.20Transaction Date : 06/24/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the number of shares awarded to the Reporting Person pursuant to an Employment Agreement between the Reporting Person and the Issuer effective June 24, 2024.#2 Amount withheld for tax withholding obligations that arose in connection with the award of Common Stock.#3 Represents the number of shares released to the Reporting Person.
F1,356 Shares After TransactionValue : $72,518.88$36,740.76Transaction Date : 06/25/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the number of shares awarded to the Reporting Person pursuant to an Employment Agreement between the Reporting Person and the Issuer effective June 24, 2024.#2 Amount withheld for tax withholding obligations that arose in connection with the award of Common Stock.#3 Represents the number of shares released to the Reporting Person.
F3,567 Shares After TransactionValue : $215,268.45$8,267.95Transaction Date : 02/01/24
Footnotes:#1 1.Represents 137 shares of issuer's common stock ("Common Stock") withheld in satisfaction of the applicable withholding taxes on certain shares of Common Stock that became issuable on February 1, 2024 pursuant to the terms of the February 1, 2023 Restricted Stock Unit Issuance Agreement between the reporting person and the issuer. The issuable shares were previously reported as Table I securities at the time the restricted stock units ("RSUs") were granted, and accordingly the issuance of those shares is not a reportable transaction on this Form 4.#2 2. Represents 192 shares of Common Stock and 3,375 shares of Common Stock underlying RSUs which will vest and become issuable in accordance with their terms.