Hedley Mary Lynne
Eli Lilly and Company
US, Indianapolis [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
A1,537 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,419,480.98$10,158.94Transaction Date : 09/16/24
Footnotes:#1 At the election of the reporting person, the shares acquired pursuant to this filing have been deferred in lieu of cash compensation as stock units under the Lilly Directors' Deferral Plan and will be settled in shares of common stock following the reporting person's separation from service.
A1,490 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,166,938.20$10,181.34Transaction Date : 05/20/24
Footnotes:#1 At the election of the reporting person, the shares acquired pursuant to this filing have been deferred in lieu of cash compensation as stock units under the Lilly Directors' Deferral Plan and will be settled in shares of common stock following the reporting person's separation from service.
A1,513 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,438,045.98$9,504.60Transaction Date : 07/15/24
Footnotes:#1 At the election of the reporting person, the shares acquired pursuant to this filing have been deferred in lieu of cash compensation as stock units under the Lilly Directors' Deferral Plan and will be settled in shares of common stock following the reporting person's separation from service.
A1,464 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,116,534.24$9,914.58Transaction Date : 03/18/24
Footnotes:#1 At the election of the reporting person, the shares acquired pursuant to this filing have been deferred in lieu of cash compensation as stock units under the Lilly Directors' Deferral Plan and will be settled in shares of common stock following the reporting person's separation from service.
A1,524 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,404,838.44$10,139.91Transaction Date : 08/19/24
Footnotes:#1 At the election of the reporting person, the shares acquired pursuant to this filing have been deferred in lieu of cash compensation as stock units under the Lilly Directors' Deferral Plan and will be settled in shares of common stock following the reporting person's separation from service.