Bonzani Andrew
EVP, General Counsel
The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.
US, New York [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
A139,526 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,978,287.68$800,052.64Transaction Date : 02/28/23
Footnotes:#1 Restricted shares that will vest on February 28, 2026.#2 Includes restricted shares that are subject to forfeiture under certain circumstances.#3 Performance based shares, awarded to Mr. Bonzani on February 28, 2023 after achieving specific performance goals and vesting over the 2020-2023 period.#4 This is not an open market sale, but rather it represents a surrender of shares to the company to satisfy withholding tax obligations.#5 Open market sale.
A191,209 Shares After TransactionValue : $6,822,337.12$1,844,049.44Transaction Date : 02/28/23
Footnotes:#1 Restricted shares that will vest on February 28, 2026.#2 Includes restricted shares that are subject to forfeiture under certain circumstances.#3 Performance based shares, awarded to Mr. Bonzani on February 28, 2023 after achieving specific performance goals and vesting over the 2020-2023 period.#4 This is not an open market sale, but rather it represents a surrender of shares to the company to satisfy withholding tax obligations.#5 Open market sale.
F150,654 Shares After TransactionValue : $5,375,334.72$1,447,002.40Transaction Date : 02/28/23
Footnotes:#1 Restricted shares that will vest on February 28, 2026.#2 Includes restricted shares that are subject to forfeiture under certain circumstances.#3 Performance based shares, awarded to Mr. Bonzani on February 28, 2023 after achieving specific performance goals and vesting over the 2020-2023 period.#4 This is not an open market sale, but rather it represents a surrender of shares to the company to satisfy withholding tax obligations.#5 Open market sale.
S111,769 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,980,094.09Sold $1,384,694.85Transaction Date : 03/01/23
Footnotes:#1 Restricted shares that will vest on February 28, 2026.#2 Includes restricted shares that are subject to forfeiture under certain circumstances.#3 Performance based shares, awarded to Mr. Bonzani on February 28, 2023 after achieving specific performance goals and vesting over the 2020-2023 period.#4 This is not an open market sale, but rather it represents a surrender of shares to the company to satisfy withholding tax obligations.#5 Open market sale.
A153,107 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,962,197.87$1,339,764.58Transaction Date : 02/26/24
Footnotes:#1 Performance based shares, awarded to Mr. Bonzani on February 26, 2024 after achieving specific performance goals and vesting over the 2021-2024 period.#2 Includes restricted shares that are subject to forfeiture under certain circumstances.#3 This is not an open market sale; rather it represents a surrender of shares to the company to satisfy withholding tax obligations.#4 Open market sale.#5 Reflects average price of multiple sales on February 27, 2024 ranging from $32.06-$32.34. Mr. Bonzani undertakes to provide upon request by the Commission staff, the issuer, or a security holder of the issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.