Sperry William R
Executive VP and CFO
Hubbell Incorporated
US, Shelton [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Equivalence :
Transaction History
F42,279 Shares After TransactionValue : $15,238,619.97$447,654.06Transaction Date : 02/09/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares withheld for payment of taxes upon vesting of restricted shares.
A42,840 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/06/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares of the Company's Common Stock acquired upon the vesting of a performance share award granted on February 10, 2021, which vested at 200% of a target amount of the Company's Operating Profit Margin (operating income as a percentage of net sales).#2 Shares of the Company's Common Stock acquired upon the vesting of a performance share award granted on February 10, 2021, which vested at 200% of a target amount of the Company's Relative Total Shareholder Return (average of the last 20 trading days of the performance period as compared to the average of the first 20 trading days of the performance period, with dividends reinvested as shares), as compared to the companies that comprise the S&P Capital Goods 900 Index.
F41,605 Shares After TransactionValue : $14,518,480.80$430,965.60Transaction Date : 02/06/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares of the Company's Common Stock acquired upon the vesting of a performance share award granted on February 10, 2021, which vested at 200% of a target amount of the Company's Operating Profit Margin (operating income as a percentage of net sales).#2 Shares of the Company's Common Stock acquired upon the vesting of a performance share award granted on February 10, 2021, which vested at 200% of a target amount of the Company's Relative Total Shareholder Return (average of the last 20 trading days of the performance period as compared to the average of the first 20 trading days of the performance period, with dividends reinvested as shares), as compared to the companies that comprise the S&P Capital Goods 900 Index.
A45,177 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/06/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares of the Company's Common Stock acquired upon the vesting of a performance share award granted on February 10, 2021, which vested at 200% of a target amount of the Company's Operating Profit Margin (operating income as a percentage of net sales).#2 Shares of the Company's Common Stock acquired upon the vesting of a performance share award granted on February 10, 2021, which vested at 200% of a target amount of the Company's Relative Total Shareholder Return (average of the last 20 trading days of the performance period as compared to the average of the first 20 trading days of the performance period, with dividends reinvested as shares), as compared to the companies that comprise the S&P Capital Goods 900 Index.
F43,521 Shares After TransactionValue : $15,187,088.16$577,877.76Transaction Date : 02/06/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares of the Company's Common Stock acquired upon the vesting of a performance share award granted on February 10, 2021, which vested at 200% of a target amount of the Company's Operating Profit Margin (operating income as a percentage of net sales).#2 Shares of the Company's Common Stock acquired upon the vesting of a performance share award granted on February 10, 2021, which vested at 200% of a target amount of the Company's Relative Total Shareholder Return (average of the last 20 trading days of the performance period as compared to the average of the first 20 trading days of the performance period, with dividends reinvested as shares), as compared to the companies that comprise the S&P Capital Goods 900 Index.