Blakeslee Chris
President & CEO, Athleta
The Gap, Inc.
US, San Francisco [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
S118,753,306 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,043,647,232.78Sold $18,160,931.03Transaction Date : 12/04/24
Footnotes:#1 The sales reported on this Form 4 were effected pursuant to a Rule 10b5-1 trading plan adopted by the reporting person on September 4, 2024.#2 The price reported in Column 4 is a weighted average price. These shares were sold in multiple transactions at prices ranging from $25.44 to $25.885, inclusive. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transactions were effected.#3 Balance adjusted to reflect shares acquired under the Gap Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP).#4 The price reported in Column 4 is a weighted average price. These shares were sold in multiple transactions at prices ranging from $25.43 to $25.875, inclusive. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transactions were effected.
S88,753,306 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,280,072,431.14Sold $770,700.00Transaction Date : 12/04/24
Footnotes:#1 The sales reported on this Form 4 were effected pursuant to a Rule 10b5-1 trading plan adopted by the reporting person on September 4, 2024.#2 The price reported in Column 4 is a weighted average price. These shares were sold in multiple transactions at prices ranging from $25.44 to $25.885, inclusive. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transactions were effected.#3 Balance adjusted to reflect shares acquired under the Gap Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP).#4 The price reported in Column 4 is a weighted average price. These shares were sold in multiple transactions at prices ranging from $25.43 to $25.875, inclusive. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transactions were effected.
M221,461,865 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 08/07/24
Footnotes:#1 Balance adjusted to reflect shares acquired under the Gap Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP).
F109,476,865 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,343,899,679.65$2,397,598.85Transaction Date : 08/07/24
Footnotes:#1 Balance adjusted to reflect shares acquired under the Gap Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP).
M128,746,865 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 08/07/24
Footnotes:#1 Balance adjusted to reflect shares acquired under the Gap Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP).