Badran SouheilSEVP, Chief Operations Officer
Runkel Mark G.Senior EVP, Chief Transform Of
Richard Jodi LVice Chair
Kotwal Shailesh MVice Chair
Kedia GunjanPresident
Welsh Timothy AVice Chair
Stern John CSEVP and CFO
Stark Lisa REVP and Controller
Dolan Terrance RVice Chair
Dilip VenkatachariSEVP & Chief Info & Tech Off
Chosy James LSenior EVP and General Counsel
Cecere AndrewChairman, President and CEO
Barcelos Elcio R.T.Senior EVP, Chief HR Officer
Board Directors
Wine Scott W.Director
Wiehoff JohnDirector
Gillani AleemDirector
Reynolds Loretta EDirector
Mehdi Yusuf IDirector
Hernandez Roland ADirector
Harris Kimberly JDirector
Ellison-Taylor Kimberly NDirector
Colberg Alan B.Director
Buse ElizabethDirector
Bridges Dorothy JDirector
Baxter Warner LDirector
Hernandez Roland A
U.S. Bancorp
US, Minneapolis [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.