Dee James D
SVP Gen Counsel and Sec
Carpenter Technology Corporation
US, Philadelphia [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
M8,900,841 Shares After TransactionValue : $480,200,371.95$227,129.50Transaction Date : 05/21/24
Footnotes:#1 Includes shares acquired under the Carpenter Technology Corporation Dividend Reinvestment Program.#2 The price reported is an average of the total transactions executed for the day, with the individual transactions ranging from a low of $111.00 per share to a high of $111.815 per share.
M9,781,641 Shares After TransactionValue : $395,471,745.63$356,107.44Transaction Date : 05/21/24
Footnotes:#1 Includes shares acquired under the Carpenter Technology Corporation Dividend Reinvestment Program.#2 The price reported is an average of the total transactions executed for the day, with the individual transactions ranging from a low of $111.00 per share to a high of $111.815 per share.
M10,209,241 Shares After TransactionValue : $601,732,664.54$252,027.44Transaction Date : 05/21/24
Footnotes:#1 Includes shares acquired under the Carpenter Technology Corporation Dividend Reinvestment Program.#2 The price reported is an average of the total transactions executed for the day, with the individual transactions ranging from a low of $111.00 per share to a high of $111.815 per share.
M10,831,641 Shares After TransactionValue : $478,000,317.33$274,665.12Transaction Date : 05/21/24
Footnotes:#1 Includes shares acquired under the Carpenter Technology Corporation Dividend Reinvestment Program.#2 The price reported is an average of the total transactions executed for the day, with the individual transactions ranging from a low of $111.00 per share to a high of $111.815 per share.
S8,479,841 Shares After TransactionValue : $943,467,109.66Sold $2,616,612.68Transaction Date : 05/21/24
Footnotes:#1 Includes shares acquired under the Carpenter Technology Corporation Dividend Reinvestment Program.#2 The price reported is an average of the total transactions executed for the day, with the individual transactions ranging from a low of $111.00 per share to a high of $111.815 per share.