Newlands William APresident & CEO
Sabia James A. Jr.EVP & Pres. Beer
Carey Kaneenat KristannEVP & Chief HR Officer
Glaetzer Samuel JEVP & Pres. Wine and Spirits
Hermida YuriEVP, Chief Growth & Strategy
Hankinson GarthEVP & CFO
Mcgrew MichaelEVP, Chief Com, Strt, ESG, Div
Bourdeau James O.EVP & Chief Legal Officer
Monteiro MallikaEVP, Chief Growth, Digtl, Beer
Hanson Robert LeeEVP & Pres. Wine and Spirits
Board Directors
Sands RichardDirector
Sands RobertDirector
Mccarthy Daniel JDirector
Daniels JenniferDirector
Madero Garza Jose ManuelDirector
Clark ChristyDirector
Fink Nicholas I.Director
Zaramella LucaDirector
Giles William TDirector
Baldwin Christopher JDirector
Hernandez Ernesto MDirector
Schmeling JudyDirector
Sands Richard
Constellation Brands, Inc.
US, Victor [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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