Singer David V
Brunswick Corporation
US, Mettawa [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
A25,833 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,083,173.12$75,317.76Transaction Date : 04/30/24
Footnotes:#1 391 of these shares are deferred shares deposited in the director's deferred account, which will be automatically distributed in predetermined installments after the director ceases being a director of the Company.#2 Beneficial holdings include 104 shares acquired pursuant to dividend reinvestment in March 2024.
A28,014 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,233,836.36$77,985.72Transaction Date : 10/31/24
Footnotes:#1 414 of these shares are deferred shares deposited in the director's deferred account, which will be automatically distributed in predetermined installments after the director ceases being a director of the Company.#2 Beneficial holdings include 121 shares acquired pursuant to dividend reinvestment in September 2024.
A26,915 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,192,226.75$78,029.10Transaction Date : 07/31/24
Footnotes:#1 406 of these shares are deferred shares deposited in the director's deferred account, which will be automatically distributed in predetermined installments after the director ceases being a director of the Company.#2 Beneficial holdings include 124 shares acquired pursuant to dividend reinvestment in June 2024.
A24,795 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,000,460.60$75,193.76Transaction Date : 01/31/24
Footnotes:#1 390 of these shares are deferred shares deposited in the director's deferred account, which will be automatically distributed in predetermined installments after the director ceases being a director of the Company.#2 Beneficial holdings include 88 shares acquired pursuant to dividend reinvestment in December 2023.