Arnold Timothy GeraldEVP, VB & President, Colonial
Mckenney Richard PPresident and CEO
Iglesias Lisa GEVP, General Counsel
Zabel Steven AndrewEVP, Chief Financial Officer
Rice Walter Lynn JrSVP, Chief Accounting Officer
Pyne Christopher WEVP, Group Benefits
Ahmed Elizabeth ClaireEVP, People & Communications
Till Mark PaulEVP & CEO, Unum International
Leiper MarthaEVP, Chief Investment Officer
Bhasin PuneetEVP, Chief Info & Digital Off.
Rice Walter Lynn Jr
SVP, Chief Accounting Officer
Unum Group
US, Chattanooga [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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