Cahill Timothy S
Pres. Missiles & Fire Control
Lockheed Martin Corporation
US, Bethesda [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
S127,043,710 Shares After TransactionValue : $65,771,799,104.10Sold $766,210,800.00Transaction Date : 07/24/24
Footnotes:#1 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $517.6900 to $517.7500, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#2 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $516.3300 to $516.9600, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#3 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $515.2700 to $515.9800, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#4 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $514.1850 to $515.1400, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#5 Holdings as of reportable transaction date include additional acquisitions through dividend reinvestment.
S119,043,710 Shares After TransactionValue : $61,508,694,519.90Sold $4,133,520,000.00Transaction Date : 07/24/24
Footnotes:#1 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $517.6900 to $517.7500, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#2 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $516.3300 to $516.9600, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#3 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $515.2700 to $515.9800, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#4 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $514.1850 to $515.1400, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#5 Holdings as of reportable transaction date include additional acquisitions through dividend reinvestment.
S109,203,710 Shares After TransactionValue : $56,295,604,542.10Sold $5,072,618,400.00Transaction Date : 07/24/24
Footnotes:#1 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $517.6900 to $517.7500, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#2 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $516.3300 to $516.9600, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#3 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $515.2700 to $515.9800, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#4 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $514.1850 to $515.1400, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#5 Holdings as of reportable transaction date include additional acquisitions through dividend reinvestment.
S88,773,710 Shares After TransactionValue : $45,682,951,166.00Sold $10,513,278,000.00Transaction Date : 07/24/24
Footnotes:#1 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $517.6900 to $517.7500, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#2 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $516.3300 to $516.9600, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#3 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $515.2700 to $515.9800, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#4 The price represents the weighted average price for multiple transactions reported on this line. Prices ranged from $514.1850 to $515.1400, inclusive. Reporting Person will provide, upon request by the Commission staff, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.#5 Holdings as of reportable transaction date include additional acquisitions through dividend reinvestment.
A127,949,190 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/25/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares acquired upon settlement of performance stock units granted on February 25, 2021, following the end of a three-year performance period 2021-2023 (Performance Cycle). The amount earned during the Performance Cycle is based on the satisfaction of performance against three separate financial metrics.#2 Restricted stock units convert to common stock on a one-for-one basis.#3 Disposition to the Issuer of shares to satisfy the Reporting Person's tax withholding obligation upon vesting and settlement of stock units which is exempt under Rule 16b-3.