Marotta John
President and CEO
Azenta, Inc.
US, Chelmsford [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
A86,895 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,607,011.45$3,471,149.22Transaction Date : 11/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Grant of restricted stock units to the Reporting Person under the Company's Equity Incentive Plan. No amount was paid upon grant of the units. The units are subject to time-based vesting and will vest 33-1/3% per year, beginning on November 15, 2025.#2 Represents the weighted average price for the shares purchased. The shares were purchased at per-share prices ranging from $39.35 to $39.51. The reporting person will provide to the SEC, the issuer and any stockholder, upon request, full information regarding the number of shares purchased or sold at each separate price.
P99,611,977 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,932,680,851.96$502,066,251.96Transaction Date : 11/18/24
Footnotes:#1 Grant of restricted stock units to the Reporting Person under the Company's Equity Incentive Plan. No amount was paid upon grant of the units. The units are subject to time-based vesting and will vest 33-1/3% per year, beginning on November 15, 2025.#2 Represents the weighted average price for the shares purchased. The shares were purchased at per-share prices ranging from $39.35 to $39.51. The reporting person will provide to the SEC, the issuer and any stockholder, upon request, full information regarding the number of shares purchased or sold at each separate price.
P100,861,977 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,102,056,604.59$50,837.50Transaction Date : 11/19/24
Footnotes:#1 Grant of restricted stock units to the Reporting Person under the Company's Equity Incentive Plan. No amount was paid upon grant of the units. The units are subject to time-based vesting and will vest 33-1/3% per year, beginning on November 15, 2025.#2 Represents the weighted average price for the shares purchased. The shares were purchased at per-share prices ranging from $39.35 to $39.51. The reporting person will provide to the SEC, the issuer and any stockholder, upon request, full information regarding the number of shares purchased or sold at each separate price.
A3,273 Shares After TransactionValue : $151,048.95$151,048.95Transaction Date : 09/09/24
Footnotes:#1 Grant of restricted stock units to the Reporting Person under the Company's Equity Incentive Plan. No amount was paid upon grant of the units. The units will vest over three years, 33% on September 9, 2025, 33% on September 9, 2026, and 33% on September 9, 2027.