Marciano Paul
Chief Creative Officer
Guess', Inc.
US, Los Angeles [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
A910,562 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 12/19/24
Footnotes:#1 Acquired pursuant to Issuer's employee equity incentive plan.
A285,082 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 03/29/24
Footnotes:#1 Acquired pursuant to Issuer's employee equity plan upon achievement of previously established performance criteria.#2 All unvested except for 82,736 shares.
S4,325,109 Shares After TransactionValue : $101,856,316.95Sold $7,065,000.00Transaction Date : 12/21/23
Footnotes:#1 This sale transaction is also being reported on a Form 4 for the Reporting Persons brother, Maurice Marciano.#2 The reported price represents the weighted average price for shares sold in multiple transactions ranging from $23.3150 to $24.0700. The details of the amounts and prices will be provided to the Issuer, any shareholders of the Issuer or the SEC on request.#3 Shares are held by the Maurice Marciano Trust. This reporting person disclaims any and all beneficial interest in these shares. The filing of this report shall not be deemed an admission that the reporting person is the beneficial owner of any of such shares for purposes of Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or for any other purpose.
S1,231,700 Shares After TransactionValue : $27,971,907.00Sold $3,406,500.00Transaction Date : 12/01/23
Footnotes:#1 The reported price represents the weighted average price for shares sold in multiple transactions ranging from $22.6050 to $22.8300. The details of the amounts and prices will be provided to the Issuer, any shareholders of the Issuer or the SEC on request.#2 Shares are held by ENRG Capital Holdings, LLC (previously known as NRG Capital Holdings, LLC).#3 The reported price represents the weighted average price for shares sold in multiple transactions ranging from $22.3650 to $22.8000. The details of the amounts and prices will be provided to the Issuer, any shareholders of the Issuer or the SEC on request.
S1,081,700 Shares After TransactionValue : $24,359,884.00Sold $3,378,000.00Transaction Date : 12/04/23
Footnotes:#1 The reported price represents the weighted average price for shares sold in multiple transactions ranging from $22.6050 to $22.8300. The details of the amounts and prices will be provided to the Issuer, any shareholders of the Issuer or the SEC on request.#2 Shares are held by ENRG Capital Holdings, LLC (previously known as NRG Capital Holdings, LLC).#3 The reported price represents the weighted average price for shares sold in multiple transactions ranging from $22.3650 to $22.8000. The details of the amounts and prices will be provided to the Issuer, any shareholders of the Issuer or the SEC on request.