Heard Carlos LawrenceSenior Vice President & CFO
Friedlis Zachary MaxwellSr. VP-Director of Leasing
Hachey Donald ASenior Vice Pres.-Construction
Laycock Willoughby B.SVP-Res. Design/Mrkt Research
Saul B Francis IiChairman & CEO
Lotuff Patricia SaulVice Chair
Friedman Joel AlbertExec VP, CAO & Treasurer
Guevara Bettina T.Exec. VP /Chf Legal & Adm Off
Collich John FSr. VP, Chief Acq. & Dev. Off.
Pearson David ToddPresident & COO
Garland Judith K.SVP, Office and Retail
Godby LoriSenior Vice Pres.-Residential
Caraci Philip D
Saul Centers, Inc.
US, Bethesda [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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