Calian Philip
Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc.
US, Chicago [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
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Transaction History
A215,089 Shares After TransactionValue : $12,967,715.81$144,997.45Transaction Date : 05/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting as follows: 1/3 on 11/1/24, 1/3 on 5/1/25, and 1/3 on 5/1/26#2 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting as follows: 1/3 on 5/1/25, 1/3 on 5/1/26, and 1/3 on 4/30/27#3 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting on 5/1/25
A215,504 Shares After TransactionValue : $12,992,736.16$25,020.35Transaction Date : 05/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting as follows: 1/3 on 11/1/24, 1/3 on 5/1/25, and 1/3 on 5/1/26#2 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting as follows: 1/3 on 5/1/25, 1/3 on 5/1/26, and 1/3 on 4/30/27#3 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting on 5/1/25
A215,836 Shares After TransactionValue : $13,012,752.44$20,016.28Transaction Date : 05/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting as follows: 1/3 on 11/1/24, 1/3 on 5/1/25, and 1/3 on 5/1/26#2 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting as follows: 1/3 on 5/1/25, 1/3 on 5/1/26, and 1/3 on 4/30/27#3 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting on 5/1/25
A215,960 Shares After TransactionValue : $13,020,228.40$7,475.96Transaction Date : 05/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting as follows: 1/3 on 11/1/24, 1/3 on 5/1/25, and 1/3 on 5/1/26#2 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting as follows: 1/3 on 5/1/25, 1/3 on 5/1/26, and 1/3 on 4/30/27#3 Grant of restricted stock subject to vesting on 5/1/25