Cardella MarcVP and Controller
Ramsay Mary BethVice President
Nelson James N IiiVice President
Stenersen Trey IiiVice President
Black BrettChief Compliance Officer
Mccann John M.Vice President
Morgan DeannVice President
Meissner Jon ScottVice President
Longerstaey Jacques MVice President
Lockhart Brian JVice President
Wickerham E. ScottVice President
Zimmerman Gifford RSecretary
Meyers William T.Vice President
Winget Demark LVice President
Perry Michael AVice President
Siffermann William AVice President
Rohrbacher Christopher M.Vice President
Jones Nathaniel T.Vice President and Treasurer
Hlavacek Sherri AVice President and Treasurer
Lamb David JVice President
Slager Joel T.Vice President
Prudhomme Kathleen LVice President
Mccarthy Michelle AnnVice President
Grace Scott SVice President & Treasurer
Ruane JamesVice President
Mino Gregory T.Vice President
Huffman William T. Jr.Vice President
Cook Margo L.Vice President
Board Directors
Meissner Jon Scott
Vice President
Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio
US, Chicago [HQ]
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We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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