Jobe James R
National Health Investors, Inc.
US, Murfreesboro [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
P14,979 Shares After TransactionValue : $769,920.60$51,400.00Transaction Date : 08/30/23
Footnotes:No footnote found.
M39,979 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,135,278.39$1,335,250.00Transaction Date : 08/23/24
Footnotes:#1 Acquired due to the net exercise of stock options granted 2/25/22, 2/24/23 and 2/23/24 with shares withheld by the Company to cover the exercise price. This transaction was completed subsequent to the execution of a Lock-Up Agreement and shares received are subject to the provisions of that agreement.
M49,979 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,735,350.67$547,300.00Transaction Date : 08/23/24
Footnotes:#1 Acquired due to the net exercise of stock options granted 2/25/22, 2/24/23 and 2/23/24 with shares withheld by the Company to cover the exercise price. This transaction was completed subsequent to the execution of a Lock-Up Agreement and shares received are subject to the provisions of that agreement.
M59,979 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,464,387.04$577,600.00Transaction Date : 08/23/24
Footnotes:#1 Acquired due to the net exercise of stock options granted 2/25/22, 2/24/23 and 2/23/24 with shares withheld by the Company to cover the exercise price. This transaction was completed subsequent to the execution of a Lock-Up Agreement and shares received are subject to the provisions of that agreement.
F28,690 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,255,894.70$2,460,254.07Transaction Date : 08/23/24
Footnotes:#1 Acquired due to the net exercise of stock options granted 2/25/22, 2/24/23 and 2/23/24 with shares withheld by the Company to cover the exercise price. This transaction was completed subsequent to the execution of a Lock-Up Agreement and shares received are subject to the provisions of that agreement.