Dunbar Jennifer Holden
PS Business Parks, Inc.
US, Glendale [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
M2,067 Shares After TransactionValue : $165,628.71$160,260.00Transaction Date : 12/08/21
Footnotes:#1 Reflects transfer of shares to Ms. Dunbar???s trust.
M4,067 Shares After TransactionValue : $394,051.63$193,780.00Transaction Date : 12/08/21
Footnotes:#1 Reflects transfer of shares to Ms. Dunbar???s trust.
G67 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 12/08/21
Footnotes:#1 Reflects transfer of shares to Ms. Dunbar???s trust.
M2,135 Shares After TransactionValue : $140,910.00$136,488.00Transaction Date : 12/06/21
Footnotes:#1 On December 15, 2014, PSB declared a special dividend, payable on December 30, 2014. As a result, pursuant to anti-dilution provisions of PSB's 2012 Equity and Performance-Based Compensation Plan, an option for 2,000 shares of common stock held by the reporting person on December 30, 2014 became exercisable for an additional 68 shares on of common stock.#2 This option was previously reported as an option for 2,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $68.25, but was adjusted to reflect the special dividend declared by PSB on December 15, 2014.#3 This option was previously reported as an option for 2,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $81.79, but was adjusted to reflect the special dividend declared by PSB on December 15, 2014.#4 This option was previously reported as an option for 2,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $85.53, but was adjusted to reflect the special dividend declared by PSB on December 15, 2014.#5 Represents weighted average price. These shares were sold at prices ranging between $178.35 and $179.34. Full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price will be provided by the reporting person upon request to the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the issuer, or a security holder of the issuer.#6 Represents weighted average price. These shares were sold at prices ranging between $179.36 and $179.915. Full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price will be provided by the reporting person upon request to the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the issuer, or a security holder of the issuer.
M4,135 Shares After TransactionValue : $327,078.50$158,200.00Transaction Date : 12/06/21
Footnotes:#1 On December 15, 2014, PSB declared a special dividend, payable on December 30, 2014. As a result, pursuant to anti-dilution provisions of PSB's 2012 Equity and Performance-Based Compensation Plan, an option for 2,000 shares of common stock held by the reporting person on December 30, 2014 became exercisable for an additional 68 shares on of common stock.#2 This option was previously reported as an option for 2,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $68.25, but was adjusted to reflect the special dividend declared by PSB on December 15, 2014.#3 This option was previously reported as an option for 2,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $81.79, but was adjusted to reflect the special dividend declared by PSB on December 15, 2014.#4 This option was previously reported as an option for 2,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $85.53, but was adjusted to reflect the special dividend declared by PSB on December 15, 2014.#5 Represents weighted average price. These shares were sold at prices ranging between $178.35 and $179.34. Full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price will be provided by the reporting person upon request to the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the issuer, or a security holder of the issuer.#6 Represents weighted average price. These shares were sold at prices ranging between $179.36 and $179.915. Full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price will be provided by the reporting person upon request to the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the issuer, or a security holder of the issuer.