Harshman Patrick
President and CEO
Harmonic Inc.
US, San Jose [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
M806,553 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 05/15/24
Footnotes:No footnote found.
F792,598 Shares After TransactionValue : $8,956,357.40$157,691.50Transaction Date : 05/15/24
Footnotes:No footnote found.
M937,734 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/15/24
Footnotes:#1 These performance-based restricted stock units ("PRSUs") were grated on February 16, 2021, with vesting based on the total stockholder return ("TSR") to holders of Company common stock during a three-year performance period that concluded on February 14, 2023. Based on the TSR over the the performance period, 150% of the shares underlying the PRSUs, or 297,989 shares, vested in accordance with the terms set forth in DEF 14A filed by the Company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 29, 2022, upon the approval of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company on February 15, 2024.#2 Reflects an adjustment of 35,532 shares of common stock transferred to the reporting person's former spouse pursuant to a marital settlement agreement. The reporting person no longer reports as beneficially owned any securities owned by his former spouse.
F778,535 Shares After TransactionValue : $10,642,573.45$2,176,250.33Transaction Date : 02/15/24
Footnotes:#1 These performance-based restricted stock units ("PRSUs") were grated on February 16, 2021, with vesting based on the total stockholder return ("TSR") to holders of Company common stock during a three-year performance period that concluded on February 14, 2023. Based on the TSR over the the performance period, 150% of the shares underlying the PRSUs, or 297,989 shares, vested in accordance with the terms set forth in DEF 14A filed by the Company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 29, 2022, upon the approval of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company on February 15, 2024.#2 Reflects an adjustment of 35,532 shares of common stock transferred to the reporting person's former spouse pursuant to a marital settlement agreement. The reporting person no longer reports as beneficially owned any securities owned by his former spouse.
M858,682 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/15/24
Footnotes:#1 These performance-based restricted stock units ("PRSUs") were grated on February 16, 2021, with vesting based on the total stockholder return ("TSR") to holders of Company common stock during a three-year performance period that concluded on February 14, 2023. Based on the TSR over the the performance period, 150% of the shares underlying the PRSUs, or 297,989 shares, vested in accordance with the terms set forth in DEF 14A filed by the Company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 29, 2022, upon the approval of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company on February 15, 2024.#2 Reflects an adjustment of 35,532 shares of common stock transferred to the reporting person's former spouse pursuant to a marital settlement agreement. The reporting person no longer reports as beneficially owned any securities owned by his former spouse.