Bohuny Bruce D.
Lakeland Bancorp, Inc.
US, Oak Ridge [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
D0.0 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 05/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Adjusted for Dividend Reinvestment shares earned during 2024.#2 Pursuant to a merger agreement between the Issuer and Provident Financial Services, Inc., each issued and outstanding share of Issuer common stock was converted into the right to receive 0.8319 shares of Provident Financial Services, Inc. common stock (subject to the payment of cash in lieu of fractional shares).
D0.0 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 05/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Adjusted for Dividend Reinvestment shares earned during 2024.#2 Pursuant to a merger agreement between the Issuer and Provident Financial Services, Inc., each issued and outstanding share of Issuer common stock was converted into the right to receive 0.8319 shares of Provident Financial Services, Inc. common stock (subject to the payment of cash in lieu of fractional shares).
D0.0 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 05/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Adjusted for Dividend Reinvestment shares earned during 2024.#2 Pursuant to a merger agreement between the Issuer and Provident Financial Services, Inc., each issued and outstanding share of Issuer common stock was converted into the right to receive 0.8319 shares of Provident Financial Services, Inc. common stock (subject to the payment of cash in lieu of fractional shares).
J56,498 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 12/31/23
Footnotes:#1 True-up shares earned by dividend reinvestment plan#2 Various market prices#3 Shares no longer reportable in custodian accounts#4 True-up shares earned through wife's dividend reinvestment plan
J56,348 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 12/31/23
Footnotes:#1 True-up shares earned by dividend reinvestment plan#2 Various market prices#3 Shares no longer reportable in custodian accounts#4 True-up shares earned through wife's dividend reinvestment plan