Walsh Robert T.Interim Chief Accounting Off.
Luchetti GonzaloHead of U.S. Personal Banking
Okpara JohnbullController & Chief Acc Officer
Raghavan ViswasHead of Banking
Ryan TimothyHd. of Tech. & Bus. Enablement
Wechter SaraChief Human Resources Officer
Torres Cantu ErnestoHead of International
Skyler EdwardHd of Ent Svc & Public Affairs
Fraser Jane NindChief Executive Officer
Babej PeterInterim Head of Banking
Whitaker MichaelHead of O & T
Morton Andrew JohnHead of Markets
Livingstone DavidChief Client Officer
Turek ZdenekChief Risk Officer
Sieg Andrew M.Head of Wealth
Selvakesari AnandChief Operating Officer
Mcintosh BrentChief Legal Off. & Corp. Sec'y
Khaliq Syed ShahmirHead of Services
Garg SunilCEO, Citibank, N.A.
Cole TitilopeHead of Legacy Franchises
Raghavan Viswas
Head of Banking
Citigroup Inc.
US, New York [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Ordered by transcript time. Click a different Quarter to change the transcript