Bunker Mathew B
Microchip Technology Incorporated
US, Chandler [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
M21,704 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,364,313.44$66,505.88Transaction Date : 11/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Of the 21,704 shares held, 21,629 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#2 Of the 21,409 shares held, 21,334 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#3 Of the 22,434 shares held, 22,359 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#4 Of the 22,148 shares held, 22,073 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#5 Of the 23,018 shares held, 22,943 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#6 Of the 22,775 shares held, 22,700 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#7 Of the 23,475 shares held, 23,400 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.
F21,409 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,345,769.74$18,543.70Transaction Date : 11/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Of the 21,704 shares held, 21,629 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#2 Of the 21,409 shares held, 21,334 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#3 Of the 22,434 shares held, 22,359 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#4 Of the 22,148 shares held, 22,073 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#5 Of the 23,018 shares held, 22,943 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#6 Of the 22,775 shares held, 22,700 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#7 Of the 23,475 shares held, 23,400 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.
M22,434 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,410,201.24$64,431.50Transaction Date : 11/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Of the 21,704 shares held, 21,629 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#2 Of the 21,409 shares held, 21,334 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#3 Of the 22,434 shares held, 22,359 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#4 Of the 22,148 shares held, 22,073 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#5 Of the 23,018 shares held, 22,943 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#6 Of the 22,775 shares held, 22,700 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#7 Of the 23,475 shares held, 23,400 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.
F22,148 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,392,223.28$17,977.96Transaction Date : 11/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Of the 21,704 shares held, 21,629 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#2 Of the 21,409 shares held, 21,334 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#3 Of the 22,434 shares held, 22,359 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#4 Of the 22,148 shares held, 22,073 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#5 Of the 23,018 shares held, 22,943 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#6 Of the 22,775 shares held, 22,700 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#7 Of the 23,475 shares held, 23,400 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.
M23,018 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,446,911.48$54,688.20Transaction Date : 11/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Of the 21,704 shares held, 21,629 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#2 Of the 21,409 shares held, 21,334 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#3 Of the 22,434 shares held, 22,359 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#4 Of the 22,148 shares held, 22,073 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#5 Of the 23,018 shares held, 22,943 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#6 Of the 22,775 shares held, 22,700 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.#7 Of the 23,475 shares held, 23,400 are held directly, and 75 shares are held by the Reporting Person's daughter.