Mcclain John
Lands' End, Inc.
US, Dodgeville [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Equivalence :
Transaction History
A152,092 Shares After TransactionValue : $211,407.88$162,165.74Transaction Date : 02/11/20
Footnotes:#1 Represents shares of restricted common stock that were granted to the reporting person pursuant to the terms of his employment agreement and a related RSU Agreement.#2 Represents surrender to the issuer of shares of restricted common stock in payment of tax liability incident to the vesting of the grant of restricted common stock referenced under footnote 1.
F109,910 Shares After TransactionValue : $152,774.90$58,632.98Transaction Date : 02/11/20
Footnotes:#1 Represents shares of restricted common stock that were granted to the reporting person pursuant to the terms of his employment agreement and a related RSU Agreement.#2 Represents surrender to the issuer of shares of restricted common stock in payment of tax liability incident to the vesting of the grant of restricted common stock referenced under footnote 1.
P6,954 Shares After TransactionValue : $53,823.96$7,740.00Transaction Date : 06/30/23
Footnotes:#1 The price reported in Column 4 is a weighted average price. These shares were purchased in multiple transactions on the Transaction Date at prices ranging from $7.7396 to $7.74, inclusive. The reporting person undertakes to provide, upon request by the Securities and Exchange Commission staff, the Issuer or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the price per share and the number of shares purchased at each price.#2 Since the date of the reporting person's last report, 5,954 shares previously owned through the Defined Benefit Plan were rolled over into a self-directed IRA.
U0.0 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$719,078.85Transaction Date : 08/04/21
Footnotes:#1 Disposed of pursuant to the closing, on August 4, 2021, of a cash tender offer by Iconix Merger Sub Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Iconix Acquisition LLC.
P10,954 Shares After TransactionValue : $77,225.70$28,200.00Transaction Date : 09/18/23
Footnotes:#1 The price reported in Column 4 is a weighted average price. These shares were purchased in multiple transactions on the Transaction Date at prices ranging from $6.85 to $7.26, inclusive. The reporting person undertakes to provide, upon request by the Securities and Exchange Commission staff, the Issuer or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the price per share and the number of shares purchased at each price.