Simmons Robert J
SkyWest, Inc.
US, Saint George [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
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Transaction History
S148,161 Shares After TransactionValue : $11,301,721.08Sold $522,289.16Transaction Date : 05/22/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $75.825 and $76.36. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.#2 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $74.00 and $74.70. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.#3 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $75.00 and $75.01. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.
S138,914 Shares After TransactionValue : $10,326,866.76Sold $687,421.98Transaction Date : 05/22/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $75.825 and $76.36. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.#2 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $74.00 and $74.70. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.#3 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $75.00 and $75.01. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.
S130,024 Shares After TransactionValue : $9,751,800.00Sold $666,750.00Transaction Date : 05/24/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $75.825 and $76.36. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.#2 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $74.00 and $74.70. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.#3 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $75.00 and $75.01. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.
S118,204 Shares After TransactionValue : $12,391,325.32Sold $1,239,090.60Transaction Date : 11/05/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $104.2701 and $105.255. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.#2 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $105.275 and $105.99. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.
S113,539 Shares After TransactionValue : $11,980,635.28Sold $492,250.80Transaction Date : 11/05/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $104.2701 and $105.255. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.#2 Represents the weighted average sale price for the entire number of shares sold. The actual sale prices range between $105.275 and $105.99. Detailed information on the exact number of shares sold at each sale price can be obtained from the issuer upon request.