Sweeney Gerard H
President and CEO
Brandywine Realty Trust
US, Philadelphia [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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Transaction History
F2,351,022 Shares After TransactionValue : $10,062,374.16$59,282.28Transaction Date : 04/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares withheld to satisfy payroll taxes for vesting or delivery of equity awards.#2 This filing also reports in the ending balance of shares owned, 3,026.63 additional common shares acquired under the Company's Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP). The ESPP shares were purchased following the Reporting Person's last Section 16 filing. Under the ESPP, 3,026.63 shares were acquired on March 5, 2024 at a transaction price of $4.13 per share. The ESPP provides for the purchase of fractional shares. The numbers reported herein are rounded to the nearest whole number.
F1,862,307 Shares After TransactionValue : $8,827,335.18$50,049.66Transaction Date : 01/31/24
Footnotes:#1 Reflects common shares withheld to satisfy payroll taxes due with respect to a scheduled distribution from the Company's deferred compensation plan.#2 This filing also reports in the ending balance 13,361.54 additional common shares acquired under the Company's Dividend Reinvestment Plan(DRIP). Under the DRIP, 4,666.93 shares were acquired on July 20, 2023 at a transaction price of $4.9571 per share, 4,594.03 shares were acquired on October 18, 2023 at a transaction price of $4.2313 per share and 4,100.58 shares were acquired on January 18, 2024 at a transaction price of $5.0345 per share.#3 This filing also reports in the ending balance of shares owned, 6,608.07 additional common shares acquired under the Company's Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP). The ESPP shares were purchased following the Reporting Person's last Section 16 filing. Under the ESPP,3,164.55 shares were acquired on September 7, 2023 at a transaction price of $3.95 per share and 3,443.52 shares were acquired on December 8, 2023 at a transaction price of $3.63 per share.#4 Reflects the delivery of common shares under the reporting person's 2021-2023 Restricted Performance Share Unit Award#5 Reflects common shares withheld to satisfy payroll taxes due upon delivery of common shares under the reporting person's 2021-2023 Restricted Performance Share Unit Award.
M1,967,369 Shares After TransactionValue : $8,656,423.60$462,272.80Transaction Date : 02/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Reflects common shares withheld to satisfy payroll taxes due with respect to a scheduled distribution from the Company's deferred compensation plan.#2 This filing also reports in the ending balance 13,361.54 additional common shares acquired under the Company's Dividend Reinvestment Plan(DRIP). Under the DRIP, 4,666.93 shares were acquired on July 20, 2023 at a transaction price of $4.9571 per share, 4,594.03 shares were acquired on October 18, 2023 at a transaction price of $4.2313 per share and 4,100.58 shares were acquired on January 18, 2024 at a transaction price of $5.0345 per share.#3 This filing also reports in the ending balance of shares owned, 6,608.07 additional common shares acquired under the Company's Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP). The ESPP shares were purchased following the Reporting Person's last Section 16 filing. Under the ESPP,3,164.55 shares were acquired on September 7, 2023 at a transaction price of $3.95 per share and 3,443.52 shares were acquired on December 8, 2023 at a transaction price of $3.63 per share.#4 Reflects the delivery of common shares under the reporting person's 2021-2023 Restricted Performance Share Unit Award#5 Reflects common shares withheld to satisfy payroll taxes due upon delivery of common shares under the reporting person's 2021-2023 Restricted Performance Share Unit Award.
F1,919,926 Shares After TransactionValue : $8,447,674.40$208,749.20Transaction Date : 02/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Reflects common shares withheld to satisfy payroll taxes due with respect to a scheduled distribution from the Company's deferred compensation plan.#2 This filing also reports in the ending balance 13,361.54 additional common shares acquired under the Company's Dividend Reinvestment Plan(DRIP). Under the DRIP, 4,666.93 shares were acquired on July 20, 2023 at a transaction price of $4.9571 per share, 4,594.03 shares were acquired on October 18, 2023 at a transaction price of $4.2313 per share and 4,100.58 shares were acquired on January 18, 2024 at a transaction price of $5.0345 per share.#3 This filing also reports in the ending balance of shares owned, 6,608.07 additional common shares acquired under the Company's Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP). The ESPP shares were purchased following the Reporting Person's last Section 16 filing. Under the ESPP,3,164.55 shares were acquired on September 7, 2023 at a transaction price of $3.95 per share and 3,443.52 shares were acquired on December 8, 2023 at a transaction price of $3.63 per share.#4 Reflects the delivery of common shares under the reporting person's 2021-2023 Restricted Performance Share Unit Award#5 Reflects common shares withheld to satisfy payroll taxes due upon delivery of common shares under the reporting person's 2021-2023 Restricted Performance Share Unit Award.
F1,847,153 Shares After TransactionValue : $7,480,969.65$91,185.75Transaction Date : 04/17/23
Footnotes:#1 Shares withheld to satisfy payroll taxes for vesting or delivery of equity awards.#2 This filing also reports in the ending balance of shares owned, 2,310.53 additional common shares acquired under the Company's Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP). The ESPP shares were purchased following the Reporting Person's last Section 16 filing. Under the ESPP, 2,310.53 shares were acquired on March 7, 2023 at a transaction price of $5.41 per share. The ESPP provides for the purchase of fractional shares. The numbers reported herein are rounded to the nearest whole number.