Pyle Thomas F Jr
Johnson Outdoors Inc.
US, Racine [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
S35,895 Shares After TransactionValue : $5,149,855.65Sold $427,684.07Transaction Date : 04/01/21
Footnotes:#1 These shares are being sold by the reporting person pursuant to a 10b5-1 trading plan previously adopted by the reporting person.#2 The price reported above is the average transaction price. The range of prices for such transactions is $138.90 to $149.07. Upon request by the Commission staff, the reporting person will provide full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.
S32,914 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,727,437.82Sold $428,161.03Transaction Date : 05/03/21
Footnotes:#1 These shares are being sold by the reporting person pursuant to a 10b5-1 trading plan previously adopted by the reporting person.#2 The price reported above is the average transaction price. The range of prices for such transaction is $141.42 to $146.27. Upon request by the Commission staff, the reporting person will provide full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.
S29,925 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,670,899.75Sold $366,660.63Transaction Date : 06/01/21
Footnotes:#1 These shares are being sold by the reporting person pursuant to a 10b5-1 trading plan previously adopted by the reporting person.#2 The price reported above is the average transaction price. The range of prices for such transactions is $121.51 to $124.365. Upon request by the Commission staff, the reporting person will provide full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.