Jermain Patrick John
Exec. VP & CFO
Plexus Corp.
US, Neenah [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
S39,182 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,192,474.00Sold $214,000.00Transaction Date : 05/07/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares were sold pursuant to a Rule 10b5-1 plan adopted on January 31, 2024.
S23,482 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,894,254.88Sold $185,740.80Transaction Date : 11/06/24
Footnotes:#1 This transaction was executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $165.375 to $166.31 per share. The reported price reflects the weighted average sale price. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transaction was effected.#2 This transaction was executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $166.395 to $167.38 per share. The reported price reflects the weighted average sale price. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transaction was effected.
S21,959 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,659,906.53Sold $253,838.41Transaction Date : 11/06/24
Footnotes:#1 This transaction was executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $165.375 to $166.31 per share. The reported price reflects the weighted average sale price. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transaction was effected.#2 This transaction was executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $166.395 to $167.38 per share. The reported price reflects the weighted average sale price. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transaction was effected.
S42,932 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,311,660.76Sold $477,042.50Transaction Date : 05/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares were sold pursuant to a Rule 10b5-1 plan adopted on January 31, 2024.#2 This transaction was executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $100.17 to $101.00 per share. The reported price reflects the weighted average sale price. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transaction was effected.
S41,182 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,282,928.00Sold $182,000.00Transaction Date : 05/02/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares were sold pursuant to a Rule 10b5-1 plan adopted on January 31, 2024.#2 This transaction was executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $100.17 to $101.00 per share. The reported price reflects the weighted average sale price. The reporting person hereby undertakes to provide upon request to the SEC staff, the issuer or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares and prices at which the transaction was effected.