Running Michael J.
Regional President - AMER
Plexus Corp.
US, Neenah [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
S1,569 Shares After TransactionValue : $149,996.40Sold $51,815.20Transaction Date : 01/30/24
Footnotes:No footnote found.
S1,030 Shares After TransactionValue : $160,546.10Sold $84,013.93Transaction Date : 11/20/24
Footnotes:No footnote found.
M2,681 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/13/24
Footnotes:#1 Based on Company performance during the three-year performance period, 115.8% of the portion of the Performance Stock Units ("PSUs") granted in fiscal 2021 related to the relative total shareholder return ("TSR") of the Company's common stock as compared to companies in the S&P 400 Index vested. As previously disclosed, the reporting person had the opportunity to earn up to 150% of the targeted amount of PSUs based on TSR originally reported.
F2,202 Shares After TransactionValue : $205,380.54$44,676.33Transaction Date : 02/13/24
Footnotes:#1 Based on Company performance during the three-year performance period, 115.8% of the portion of the Performance Stock Units ("PSUs") granted in fiscal 2021 related to the relative total shareholder return ("TSR") of the Company's common stock as compared to companies in the S&P 400 Index vested. As previously disclosed, the reporting person had the opportunity to earn up to 150% of the targeted amount of PSUs based on TSR originally reported.
S1,569 Shares After TransactionValue : $153,746.31Sold $62,027.67Transaction Date : 02/15/24
Footnotes:#1 Based on Company performance during the three-year performance period, 115.8% of the portion of the Performance Stock Units ("PSUs") granted in fiscal 2021 related to the relative total shareholder return ("TSR") of the Company's common stock as compared to companies in the S&P 400 Index vested. As previously disclosed, the reporting person had the opportunity to earn up to 150% of the targeted amount of PSUs based on TSR originally reported.