Weinstein Michael Lawrence
Chairman & CEO
Ark Restaurants Corp.
US, New York [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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Transaction History
S945,228 Shares After TransactionValue : $23,630,700.00Sold $12,500.00Transaction Date : 03/02/18
Footnotes:#1 The 500 shares were sold by The Weinstein Foundation, a private foundation for which Mr. Weinstein acts as trustee and has shared investment and voting power. As a result, The Weinstein Foundation owns 4,200 shares included in the above table.#2 Includes a 50% interest (113,500 shares) held by Mr. Weinstein in a limited liability company account maintained by his adult children; however, does not include 21,375 shares issuable to Michael Weinstein pursuant to stock options all of which options are currently exercisable.
S942,728 Shares After TransactionValue : $21,211,380.00Sold $33,750.00Transaction Date : 01/16/20
Footnotes:#1 The 2,000 collective shares were sold by The Weinstein Foundation, a private foundation for which Mr. Weinsten acts as a trustee and has shared investment and voting power. As a result, The Weinstein Foundation owns 1,700 shares included in the above table.#2 Includes a 50% interest (113,500 shares) held by Mr. Weinstein in a limited liability company account maintained by his adult children; however, does not include 21,375 shares issuable to Michael Weinstein pursuant to stock options all of which options are currently exercisable.
S942,728 Shares After TransactionValue : $21,211,380.00Sold $11,250.00Transaction Date : 01/16/20
Footnotes:#1 The 2,000 collective shares were sold by The Weinstein Foundation, a private foundation for which Mr. Weinsten acts as a trustee and has shared investment and voting power. As a result, The Weinstein Foundation owns 1,700 shares included in the above table.#2 Includes a 50% interest (113,500 shares) held by Mr. Weinstein in a limited liability company account maintained by his adult children; however, does not include 21,375 shares issuable to Michael Weinstein pursuant to stock options all of which options are currently exercisable.
S945,728 Shares After TransactionValue : $23,889,089.28Sold $10,104.00Transaction Date : 02/23/18
Footnotes:#1 The 400 shares were sold by The Weinstein Foundation, a private foundation for which Mr. Weinstein acts as trustee and has shared investment and voting power. As a result, The Weinstein Foundation owns 4,700 shares included in the above table.#2 Includes a 50% interest (113,500 shares) held by Mr. Weinstein in a limited liability company account maintained by his adult children; however, does not include 21,375 shares issuable to Michael Weinstein pursuant to stock options all of which options are currently exercisable.
S984,669 Shares After TransactionValue : $25,758,941.04Sold $15,696.00Transaction Date : 01/08/18
Footnotes:#1 Includes 2,749 shares owned by The Weinstein Foundation, a private foundation that Mr. Weinstein acts as trustee and has shared investment and voting power and an aggregate of 2,400 shares owned by his minor children. This does not include 46,375 in shares issuable pursuant to stock options of which 35,687 options are currently exercisable.