Nader Marguerite M
Ventas, Inc.
US, Chicago [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Equivalence :
Transaction History
A293,936 Shares After TransactionValue : $19,708,408.80$1,818,731.25Transaction Date : 02/06/24
Footnotes:#1 Restricted stock award, one-half of the award will vest in equal annual installments, subject to satisfaction of the service requirement, on February 4, 2025, February 3, 2026 and February 2, 2027; and one-half of the award will be subject to performance-based vesting conditions and will vest in equal annual installments, subject to satisfaction of such performance-based conditions and the service requirement, on February 4, 2025, February 3, 2026 and February 2, 2027.
F274,664 Shares After TransactionValue : $18,223,956.40$96,008.45Transaction Date : 01/26/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the withholding of shares for the payment of tax liablity incurred upon vesting of restricted shares.
F273,495 Shares After TransactionValue : $18,146,393.25$77,563.15Transaction Date : 01/26/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the withholding of shares for the payment of tax liablity incurred upon vesting of restricted shares.
F272,102 Shares After TransactionValue : $18,198,181.76$93,163.84Transaction Date : 01/30/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the withholding of shares for the payment of tax liablity incurred upon vesting of restricted shares.
F270,515 Shares After TransactionValue : $18,092,043.20$106,138.56Transaction Date : 01/30/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the withholding of shares for the payment of tax liablity incurred upon vesting of restricted shares.