Venkatesh VandanaEVP-PubPol&ChiefLegalOfficer
Stillwell Mary-LeeSVP and Controller
Skiadas Anthony TEVP and CFO
Sampath SowmyanarayanEVP and Group CEO-VZ Consumer
Russo Joseph J.EVP&Pres-Global Networks&Tech
Malady KyleEVP and Group CEO-VZ Business
Hammock SamanthaEVP & Chief HR Officer
Vestberg Hans ErikChairman and CEO
Arumugavelu ShankarEVP-Verizon Global Services
Silliman Craig L.EVP&Pres.-VZ Global Services
Malady Kyle
EVP and Group CEO-VZ Business
Verizon Communications Inc.
US, New York [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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