Lazzari Melanie A
Executive Vice President
S&T Bancorp, Inc.
US, Indiana [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
M9,630,098 Shares After TransactionValue : $283,895,289.04$14,592.60Transaction Date : 04/10/24
Footnotes:#1 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#2 Shares of common stock withheld for payment of tax liability for vested and converted RSU's.
F9,413,098 Shares After TransactionValue : $277,498,129.04$6,397.16Transaction Date : 04/10/24
Footnotes:#1 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#2 Shares of common stock withheld for payment of tax liability for vested and converted RSU's.
D9,159,098 Shares After TransactionValue : $292,083,635.22$7,143.36Transaction Date : 04/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Forfeiture of performance shares from the 2021 Long-Term Incentive Plan. Performance shares vested at 73%, between Threshold and Target level.#2 Shares withheld upon vesting of Restricted Stock for payment of tax liability.#3 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#4 Shares of common stock withheld for payment of tax liability for vested and converted RSU's.
F8,977,098 Shares After TransactionValue : $286,279,655.22$5,803.98Transaction Date : 04/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Forfeiture of performance shares from the 2021 Long-Term Incentive Plan. Performance shares vested at 73%, between Threshold and Target level.#2 Shares withheld upon vesting of Restricted Stock for payment of tax liability.#3 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#4 Shares of common stock withheld for payment of tax liability for vested and converted RSU's.
F8,828,098 Shares After TransactionValue : $281,528,045.22$4,751.61Transaction Date : 04/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Forfeiture of performance shares from the 2021 Long-Term Incentive Plan. Performance shares vested at 73%, between Threshold and Target level.#2 Shares withheld upon vesting of Restricted Stock for payment of tax liability.#3 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#4 Shares of common stock withheld for payment of tax liability for vested and converted RSU's.