Michie James Arvo
Executive Vice President
S&T Bancorp, Inc.
US, Indiana [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
M1,880 Shares After TransactionValue : $54,858.40$48,147.00Transaction Date : 06/14/23
Footnotes:#1 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#2 Shares of common stock withheld for payment of tax liability for vested and converted RSU's.
F1,158 Shares After TransactionValue : $33,790.44$21,067.96Transaction Date : 06/14/23
Footnotes:#1 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#2 Shares of common stock withheld for payment of tax liability for vested and converted RSU's.
M3,381 Shares After TransactionValue : $101,632.86$49,599.00Transaction Date : 06/14/24
Footnotes:#1 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#2 Shares withheld upon vesting of Restricted Stock for payment of tax liability.
F2,659 Shares After TransactionValue : $79,929.54$21,703.32Transaction Date : 06/14/24
Footnotes:#1 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#2 Shares withheld upon vesting of Restricted Stock for payment of tax liability.
M1,481 Shares After TransactionValue : $47,229.09$10,300.47Transaction Date : 04/01/24
Footnotes:#1 Upon vest, automatically converts into equal number of shares of common stock.#2 Shares of common stock withheld for payment of tax liability for vested and converted RSU's.