Mead Steven J.SVP, Head of Commercial Serv.
Pueyo PilarSVP / Director of HR
Nevatia PuneetSVP and CIO
Halberstadt Peter J.SVP, Chief Credit Officer
Sullivan John JosephDirector of Consumer Lending
Smith Jeffrey F.EVP/Head of Wealth Mgmt
Sapienza Joseph P.SVP, Interim CFO
Sheahan Denis KChairman and CEO
Hackel Danielle RemisChief Marketing Officer
Mooney KerriSVP Dir. of Banking Offices
Board Directors
Meehan ThaliaDirector
Gerlin Simon RDirector
Stone Robert Gregg IiiDirector
Hamlin Pamela AnnDirector
Partridge LailaDirector
Palandjian Leon AghababaiDirector
Walsh Jane C.Director
Rose Jody A.Director
Clough Jeanette GailDirector
Lord Hambleton DouglasDirector
Morrison Daniel R.Director
Schmidt Cathleen AgnesDirector
Fuchs ChristineDirector
Zelleke Andargachew SDirector
Hinderhofer Kathryn MDirector
Fuchs Christine
Cambridge Bancorp
US, Cambridge [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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