Bassett Lawton E Iii
Bank President
Ameris Bancorp
US, Atlanta [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
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Transaction History
F77,366 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,668,695.72$29,637.50Transaction Date : 02/18/24
Footnotes:#1 This transaction represents the withholding of 625 shares of common stock to satisfy the tax withholding obligations incurred by the reporting person upon the vesting on February 18, 2024 of 1,259 shares of common stock originally awarded on February 18, 2021.
A82,904 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/21/24
Footnotes:#1 Stock grant pursuant to performance stock unit award originally granted February 18, 2021 pursuant to the Ameris Bancorp 2014 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan.#2 This transaction represents the withholding of 2,484 shares of common stock to satisfy the tax withholding obligations incurred by the reporting person upon the stock grant of 5,538 shares on February 21, 2024.#3 Stock grant pursuant to the Ameris Bancorp 2021 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan, vesting: (i) 1,437 shares on February 21, 2025; (ii) 1,437 shares on February 21, 2026; and (iii) 1,436 shares on February 21, 2027.
F80,420 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,731,488.00$115,257.60Transaction Date : 02/21/24
Footnotes:#1 Stock grant pursuant to performance stock unit award originally granted February 18, 2021 pursuant to the Ameris Bancorp 2014 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan.#2 This transaction represents the withholding of 2,484 shares of common stock to satisfy the tax withholding obligations incurred by the reporting person upon the stock grant of 5,538 shares on February 21, 2024.#3 Stock grant pursuant to the Ameris Bancorp 2021 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan, vesting: (i) 1,437 shares on February 21, 2025; (ii) 1,437 shares on February 21, 2026; and (iii) 1,436 shares on February 21, 2027.
A84,730 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/21/24
Footnotes:#1 Stock grant pursuant to performance stock unit award originally granted February 18, 2021 pursuant to the Ameris Bancorp 2014 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan.#2 This transaction represents the withholding of 2,484 shares of common stock to satisfy the tax withholding obligations incurred by the reporting person upon the stock grant of 5,538 shares on February 21, 2024.#3 Stock grant pursuant to the Ameris Bancorp 2021 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan, vesting: (i) 1,437 shares on February 21, 2025; (ii) 1,437 shares on February 21, 2026; and (iii) 1,436 shares on February 21, 2027.
G82,928 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 08/27/24
Footnotes:#1 The reported transaction involved a transfer of securities as a charitable donation for which no payment of consideration was received by the reporting person.#2 The total number of shares of common stock has been increased by one share to account for a rounding difference to the total number of shares previously reported by the reporting person.