Scucchi Mark
Range Resources Corporation
US, Fort Worth [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
S263,070 Shares After TransactionValue : $7,205,487.30Sold $4,190,670.00Transaction Date : 05/15/23
Footnotes:#1 Sale of 153,000 shares to primarily pay withholding taxes associated with a required distribution from the 2004 Deferred Compensation Plan. Officer continues to hold 1,018,403 units consisting of shares and performance share units.#2 Transfer of these shares from an indirect holding to a direct holding is exempt from reporting, however the reporting person is voluntarily disclosing this information. The transaction effects a scheduled deferred compensation plan distribution with a distribution date of June 1, 2023.
J144,282 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 06/01/23
Footnotes:#1 Sale of 153,000 shares to primarily pay withholding taxes associated with a required distribution from the 2004 Deferred Compensation Plan. Officer continues to hold 1,018,403 units consisting of shares and performance share units.#2 Transfer of these shares from an indirect holding to a direct holding is exempt from reporting, however the reporting person is voluntarily disclosing this information. The transaction effects a scheduled deferred compensation plan distribution with a distribution date of June 1, 2023.
J547,120 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 06/01/23
Footnotes:#1 Sale of 153,000 shares to primarily pay withholding taxes associated with a required distribution from the 2004 Deferred Compensation Plan. Officer continues to hold 1,018,403 units consisting of shares and performance share units.#2 Transfer of these shares from an indirect holding to a direct holding is exempt from reporting, however the reporting person is voluntarily disclosing this information. The transaction effects a scheduled deferred compensation plan distribution with a distribution date of June 1, 2023.
A650,525 Shares After TransactionValue : $20,569,600.50$3,585,866.10Transaction Date : 02/29/24
Footnotes:#1 Shares are issued net of taxes based on the application of performance criteria under the February 2021 PSU Grant which resulted in 160.0% if the target vesting of TSR PSUs and 129.7% of the target vesting of the Absolute Measure PSUs.
S94,713 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,495,856.83Sold $1,829,591.79Transaction Date : 05/16/24
Footnotes:#1 Sale of 49,569 shares to primarily pay withholding taxes associated with a required distribution from the 2004 Deferred Compensation Plan#2 Transfer of these shares from an indirect holding to a direct holding is exempt from reporting, however the reporting person is voluntarily disclosing this information. The transaction effects a scheduled deferred compensation plan distribution with a distribution date of June 3, 2024.