Guindo ChirfiChief Marketing Officer
Smart DaltonSVP Fin. - Global Controller
Deluca Richard R.EVP&Pres, Merck Animal Heallth
Oosthuizen Johannes JacobusPresident, U.S. Market
Larson Betty DEVP, Chief HR Officer
Downing Cristal NChief Comm. & Public Afrs Ofcr
Zachary JenniferEVP, General Counsel
Li Dean YExecutive VP & President, MRL
Davis Robert MChairman, CEO & President
Chattopadhyay SanatExe V-P & Pres. MMD
Williams David MichaelEVP,Chief Info&Digital Officer
Litchfield CarolineEVP & CFO
Mizell StevenEVP, Chief HR Officer
Seidman Christine E
Merck & Co., Inc.
US, Kenilworth [HQ]
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We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.