Silver Deirdre P.
EVP, General Counsel
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
US, Hoboken [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
A13,209 Shares After TransactionValue : $459,276.93$2,816.37Transaction Date : 07/20/23
Footnotes:#1 Reflects shares acquired through a dividend reinvestment plan administered by the reporting person's broker dealer and not previously reported.#2 Represents shares surrendered to cover withholding tax liability due upon vesting of restricted stock units.
A13,359 Shares After TransactionValue : $410,922.84$4,614.00Transaction Date : 10/25/23
Footnotes:#1 Reflects shares acquired through a dividend reinvestment plan administered by the reporting person's broker dealer and not previously reported.#2 Represents shares surrendered to cover withholding tax liability due upon vesting of restricted stock units.
A13,508 Shares After TransactionValue : $425,231.84$4,690.52Transaction Date : 01/11/24
Footnotes:#1 Reflects shares acquired through a dividend reinvestment plan administered by the reporting person's broker dealer and not previously reported.#2 Represents shares surrendered to cover withholding tax liability due upon vesting of restricted stock units.
A13,632 Shares After TransactionValue : $519,924.48$4,729.36Transaction Date : 04/25/24
Footnotes:#1 Reflects shares acquired through a dividend reinvestment plan administered by the reporting person's broker dealer and not previously reported.#2 Represents shares surrendered to cover withholding tax liability due upon vesting of restricted stock units.
M14,623 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 04/30/24
Footnotes:#1 Reflects shares acquired through a dividend reinvestment plan administered by the reporting person's broker dealer and not previously reported.#2 Represents shares surrendered to cover withholding tax liability due upon vesting of restricted stock units.