Vermillion Dennis PExecutive Vice President
Thackston Jason RSenior Vice President
Rosentrater Heather LynnPresident & CEO
Meyer David JVice President
Krasselt Ryan LVice President
Kinney Scott JVice President
Hill Latisha DianeVice President
Hesler Gregory CurtisSr V President/Corp Secretary
Diluciano Joshua DVice President
Cox Bryan AldenSenior Vice President
Christie Kevin JSVP, CFO & Treasurer
Manuel Wayne OVice President
Kensok James MVice President - Retired
Thies Mark TEVP - Retired
Kensok James M
Vice President - Retired
Avista Corporation
US, Spokane [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Ordered by transcript time. Click a different Quarter to change the transcript