Maas, Jacob
Executive VP
Graham Holdings Company
US, Arlington [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
A4,982 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 01/02/25
Footnotes:#1 Class B shares awarded as restricted stock under incentive plan#2 N/A#3 Represents withholding of Class B shares for the tax liability associated with the vesting and settlement of restricted stock previously awarded under incentive plan on January 4, 2021.
F4,725 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,119,585.75$224,070.59Transaction Date : 01/02/25
Footnotes:#1 Class B shares awarded as restricted stock under incentive plan#2 N/A#3 Represents withholding of Class B shares for the tax liability associated with the vesting and settlement of restricted stock previously awarded under incentive plan on January 4, 2021.
A4,552 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 11/05/24
Footnotes:#1 On January 19, 2022, the reporting person received a restricted stock unit award (Award) with price-based vesting conditions. The terms of the Award provide that 1,000 shares vest if the issuer's Class B Common Stock's closing price meets or exceeds $700 for 90 consecutive calendar days on or before December 31, 2027, with an additional 1,000 shares vesting following each additional incremental increase of $100 in the closing price of the issuer's Class B Common Stock maintained for 90 consecutive days on or before December 31, 2027. On November 5, 2024, the first 1,000 shares vested following achievement of the first stock price goal.#2 Represents the second tranche of the Award, which will vest if the closing price of the issuer's Class B Common Stock exceeds $800 for 90 consecutive calendar days on or before December 31, 2027. As noted above, if such price-based vesting condition is satisfied, the reporting person is eligible for vesting of additional 1,000 share increments of Class B Common Stock for each additional $100 increase in the closing price of the issuer's Class B Common Stock maintained for 90 consecutive days on or before December 31, 2027 (e.g., if the closing price of the issuer's Class B Common Stock exceeds $900 for 90 consecutive calendar days, then 1,000 additional shares of Class B Common stock will vest).#3 N/A