Lizardi Rafael RSr. Vice President & CFO
Ilan HavivPresident & CEO
Yunus MohammadSr. Vice President
Bahai AhmadSr. Vice President
Gary MarkSr. Vice President
Witzsche ChristineSr. Vice President
Roberts Mark T.Sr. Vice President
Ron AmichaiSr. Vice President
Knecht Julie C.VP & Chief Accounting Officer
Leonard Shanon JSr. Vice President
Kane KatharineSVP and General Counsel
Templeton Richard KChairman
Trochu Cynthia HoffSVP, Secretary & Gen Counsel
Kozanian Hagop HSr. Vice President
Kozanian Hagop H
Sr. Vice President
Texas Instruments Incorporated
US, Dallas [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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