Hobby Jean M.
Texas Instruments Incorporated
US, Dallas [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
M11,978 Shares After TransactionValue : $949,376.28$480,711.90Transaction Date : 08/22/24
Footnotes:#1 The price in Table 1 is a weighted average sale price. The sales were at prices ranging from $205.235 to $206.18. The Issuer undertakes to provide upon request a detailed breakout of the sale prices and the number of shares sold at each price.
M16,284 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,793,682.60$474,305.90Transaction Date : 08/22/24
Footnotes:#1 The price in Table 1 is a weighted average sale price. The sales were at prices ranging from $205.235 to $206.18. The Issuer undertakes to provide upon request a detailed breakout of the sale prices and the number of shares sold at each price.
M20,816 Shares After TransactionValue : $2,173,398.56$473,186.12Transaction Date : 08/22/24
Footnotes:#1 The price in Table 1 is a weighted average sale price. The sales were at prices ranging from $205.235 to $206.18. The Issuer undertakes to provide upon request a detailed breakout of the sale prices and the number of shares sold at each price.
M24,727 Shares After TransactionValue : $3,227,368.04$510,463.72Transaction Date : 08/22/24
Footnotes:#1 The price in Table 1 is a weighted average sale price. The sales were at prices ranging from $205.235 to $206.18. The Issuer undertakes to provide upon request a detailed breakout of the sale prices and the number of shares sold at each price.
S3,488 Shares After TransactionValue : $717,516.48Sold $4,369,074.69Transaction Date : 08/22/24
Footnotes:#1 The price in Table 1 is a weighted average sale price. The sales were at prices ranging from $205.235 to $206.18. The Issuer undertakes to provide upon request a detailed breakout of the sale prices and the number of shares sold at each price.