Thaman Michael H
The Sherwin-Williams Company
US, Cleveland [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
A483,128 Shares After TransactionValue : $142,764,324.00$3,375,201.00Transaction Date : 07/05/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the number of deferred stock units acquired by the Reporting Person, in an exempt transaction, pursuant to the 2005 Director Deferred Fee Plan ("Deferred Fee Plan"). Each deferred stock unit is the economic equivalent of one share of common stock. The deferred stock units become payable solely in stock, generally following the Reporting Person's separation from service as a Director of the Company.#2 Represents the weighted average share price on the transaction date used to determine the number of deferred stock units to be credited to the Reporting Person's account.#3 These securities consist of deferred stock units, held pursuant to the Deferred Fee Plan, and include deferred stock units acquired pursuant to the dividend reinvestment feature of such Plan.
A7,036 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 02/13/24
Footnotes:#1 Grant of restricted stock units ("RSUs") under The Sherwin-Williams Company 2006 Stock Plan for Nonemployee Directors.#2 These securities consist of 1,244 RSUs and 5,792 shares of common stock. Each RSU represents the Reporting Person's right to receive one share of common stock.
A470,562 Shares After TransactionValue : $156,019,536.72$3,374,949.24Transaction Date : 04/05/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the number of deferred stock units acquired by the Reporting Person, in an exempt transaction, pursuant to the 2005 Director Deferred Fee Plan ("Deferred Fee Plan"). Each deferred stock unit is the economic equivalent of one share of common stock. The deferred stock units become payable solely in stock, generally following the Reporting Person's separation from service as a Director of the Company.#2 Represents the weighted average share price on the transaction date used to determine the number of deferred stock units to be credited to the Reporting Person's account.#3 These securities consist of deferred stock units, held pursuant to the Deferred Fee Plan, and include deferred stock units acquired pursuant to the dividend reinvestment feature of such Plan.
A493,142 Shares After TransactionValue : $183,680,600.74$3,374,950.67Transaction Date : 10/04/24
Footnotes:#1 Represents the number of deferred stock units acquired by the Reporting Person, in an exempt transaction, pursuant to the 2005 Director Deferred Fee Plan ("Deferred Fee Plan"). Each deferred stock unit is the economic equivalent of one share of common stock. The deferred stock units become payable solely in stock, generally following the Reporting Person's separation from service as a Director of the Company.#2 Represents the weighted average share price on the transaction date used to determine the number of deferred stock units to be credited to the Reporting Person's account.#3 These securities consist of deferred stock units, held pursuant to the Deferred Fee Plan, and include deferred stock units acquired pursuant to the dividend reinvestment feature of such Plan.
A504,124 Shares After TransactionValue : $168,881,540.00$3,375,125.00Transaction Date : 01/03/25
Footnotes:#1 Represents the number of deferred stock units acquired by the Reporting Person, in an exempt transaction, pursuant to the 2005 Director Deferred Fee Plan ("Deferred Fee Plan"). Each deferred stock unit is the economic equivalent of one share of common stock. The deferred stock units become payable solely in stock, generally following the Reporting Person's separation from service as a Director of the Company.#2 Represents the weighted average share price on the transaction date used to determine the number of deferred stock units credited to the Reporting Person's account.#3 These securities consist of deferred stock units, held pursuant to the Deferred Fee Plan, and include deferred stock units acquired pursuant to the dividend reinvestment feature of such Plan.