Brown Hyatt J
Brown & Brown, Inc.
US, Daytona Beach [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
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Transaction History
S36,029,921 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,026,343,671.75Sold $43,471,532.25Transaction Date : 11/25/24
Footnotes:#1 The reported transaction was effected in accordance with the Reporting Person's tax planning strategy.#2 The price reported in Column 4 is a weighted average price. These shares were sold in multiple transactions ranging from $111.75 to $111.76, inclusive. The Reporting Person undertakes to provide Brown & Brown, Inc., any security holder of Brown & Brown, Inc., or the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, upon request, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price within the ranges set forth in this footnote.#3 These shares are held by Ormond Riverside, Limited Partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), of which Swakopmund, Inc. is the General Partner that has voting and investment power over such shares. Swakopmund, Inc. is 100% owned by the Swakopmund Trust of 2009, a revocable trust created by the Reporting Person, who is the sole trustee thereof and retains the sole voting and investment powers with respect to all the shares of Swakopmund, Inc.
S36,000,000 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,023,000,000.00Sold $3,343,671.75Transaction Date : 11/26/24
Footnotes:#1 The reported transaction was effected in accordance with the Reporting Person's tax planning strategy.#2 The price reported in Column 4 is a weighted average price. These shares were sold in multiple transactions ranging from $111.75 to $111.76, inclusive. The Reporting Person undertakes to provide Brown & Brown, Inc., any security holder of Brown & Brown, Inc., or the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, upon request, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price within the ranges set forth in this footnote.#3 These shares are held by Ormond Riverside, Limited Partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), of which Swakopmund, Inc. is the General Partner that has voting and investment power over such shares. Swakopmund, Inc. is 100% owned by the Swakopmund Trust of 2009, a revocable trust created by the Reporting Person, who is the sole trustee thereof and retains the sole voting and investment powers with respect to all the shares of Swakopmund, Inc.
G35,998,968 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 12/13/24
Footnotes:#1 These shares are held by Ormond Riverside, Limited Partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), of which Swakopmund, Inc. is the General Partner that has voting and investment power over such shares. Swakopmund, Inc. is 100% owned by the Swakopmund Trust of 2009, a revocable trust created by the Reporting Person, who is the sole trustee thereof and retains the sole voting and investment powers with respect to all the shares of Swakopmund, Inc.
G2,054,950 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 12/29/23
Footnotes:#1 These shares are held by the James Hyatt Brown Nongrantor Charitable Lead Annuity Trust, of which the Reporting Person's spouse and three children are the trustees and of which his three children are the remainder beneficiaries.
G36,418,928 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 04/25/24
Footnotes:#1 These shares are held by Ormond Riverside, Limited Partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), of which Swakopmund, Inc. is the General Partner that has voting and investment power over such shares. Swakopmund, Inc. is 100% owned by the Swakopmund Trust of 2009, a revocable trust created by the Reporting Person, who is the sole trustee thereof and retains the sole voting and investment powers with respect to all the shares of Swakopmund, Inc.